Class Profiles

We are proud to have a very diverse and international group of participants in our programmes. Below is a profile of the personal, academic and professional backgrounds of our participants for the most current year and links to previous academic years.

2020-2022 Participant Profile

Participant Statistics - Personal Information showing 43% of participants are females, and the average age is 36 years
MAS & CAS Participant Profile - Statistics on Academic Background showing that 85% of participants has a Master's Degree, and 53% graduated in business management
Participant Background - Statistics on Industry Sector showing that 35% of the participants come from services industry (consulting, law, etc), 27% of participants from industry (manufacturing, automotive, telecom, etc) and 20% from Finance and Insurance
Participant  Profile - Statistics on Work Experience showing that 9% of participants are top managers, and 37% are in middle management roles. Typical job titles are Director, Vice President, Head of, Product Manager


Listen to Dr. Lukas Sigrist, Head of the School for Continuing Education, provide a summary of the 2019 participants in the MAS and CAS programmes during the 5 March 2020 Information Event. A longer version of his talk at the information event is available here.

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