Official Launch & First Information Event

Slides are now available from the official launch of the MAS AT and inaugural information event 

by Maria Rosaria Polito
Image of Prof. Grossner speaking at Information Event

The MAS in Applied Technology celebrated its official launch with an introductory information event on January 28, 2019. Hosted by the School for Continuing Education, the event included speakers from both the Master’s programme and private industry.

Prof. Ulrike Grossner, MAS Programme Director, explained the innovative concept behind the programme and its structure. Maria Rosaria Polito, MAS Programme Manager, provided additional facts and figures about the MAS AT, including the application process.

Industry speakers provided additional context for the new programme. Robert Rudolph of Swissmem provided an overview of the science and technology skills shortage in tech industries and why industry requested ETH to develop this new Master’s degree. Simone Suter of ABB explained how this programme will help ABB with talent development at the manager level and also to address managerial diversity in a new, more effective way.

After a lively question and answer session, attendees were able to conduct one on one discussions with the speakers during an elegant Apéro.

Download MAS AT Concept and Programme - Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grossner (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Download MAS AT Key Facts and Application Process - Maria Rosaria Polito (PDF, 340 KB)

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