Successful Launch - MAS in Applied Technology & CAS in Applied IT
Participants celebrated with an apero after completing the first day of classes last Friday in the new CAS in Applied Information Technology and MAS in Applied Technology.
The event marked the successful launch of this new program designed to train managers and professionals in important areas of science & technology outside of their prior educational training. The CAS in Applied Information Technology (CAS AIT) is the first in a series of new CAS programs that combine fundamental science and technology instruction along with study of industry applications to give participants a better understanding of the role of technology in business.
At the apero, participants in the CAS AIT shared their excitement at taking part in this ground-breaking new program, which provides fundamental training in computer science and data science as well as case studies on how to apply it in practice. Modules 1 and 2 offer a practical introduction to basic concepts and techniques for information processing and working with data. Module 3 covers visual information processing and human computer interactions. Module 4 uses case studies to show the practical implementations of technologies. Current participants will complete the CAS in mid-December 2019 and many will be keep studying with the MAS program.
The MAS will continue in January with the launch of the CAS in Applied Manufacturing Technology (CAS AMT) and in April with the new CAS Applied Technology in Energy (CAS ATE). The CAS AMT focus on helping managers better understand the technology related opportunities for companies at the intersection of development, design and manufacture of engineered products. The application period for the CAS AMT will be 1 November to 15 December 2019. The CAS ATE will help managers understand the ongoing energy revolution and in particular how electrification is impacting many industries. The application period for the CAS ATE will be from 1 October 2019 to 28 February 2020.