CAS AED: Applied Electronics & Digitization

Electronic Chip

APPLY NOW! Application window open from 30.11.2024 until 01.03.2025!

ETH Zurich’s CAS programme Applied Electronics and Digitization (CAS ETH AED) provides a targeted education in the design and development of modern solid state electronic systems, which are foundational for the generation and processing of information as well as energy in a digital world.

The programme is for business professionals who do not necessarily have an engineering background, but nevertheless need to work effectively with engineering and technical teams on electronics-based hardware products such as those found at the edge of IoT networks or operating as autonomous devices. Participants will learn about the most important processes and technologies related to electronics and how they are being applied in practice.

Download Link to the brochure CAS AED (PDF, 122 KB)

Download Link to the schedule FS25 (PDF, 182 KB)

Participants complete 4 modules over 14 weeks from April to July. Classes are generally conducted in either a block format or blended learning format to minimize time away from work. Classes are held at ETH Zentrum campus every other week for one full day and one half day (typically Friday all day and Saturday morning), and the programme is thus well suited as a part-time study programme.

Total workload is approximately 300 hours (~21 hours/week) and successful graduates earn a total of 12 ECTS credits.

Study language is 100% English.

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grossner, Dr. Christian Dorfer

This online module will cover the fundamental science and technologies underlying modern electronics and will prepare participants to better understand the other three courses of the CAS AED programme.

The initial material will cover the basic science of electricity relevant to solid state electronic devices, including electric conductivity and insulation described using the band model. This will lead into a discussion of electrical circuits and the industrial manufacture of semiconductor-based devices and integrated circuits (IC). The module will continue with the fundamentals of how these electronic devices can be used in energy and information technology, such as powering an electronic system or sensing environmental and other parameters.

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grossner

This course will describe semiconductor devices as the fundamental building blocks of modern electronics, and their applications in industry.

The goal is to enable participants to understand and discuss with technical professionals the basic components of modern electronic devices and how they are used in our world. Starting with basic electronic devices such as diodes and transistors, participants will learn how they are used to form more complex semiconductor devices for power electronics and data processing, including important practical aspects such as manufacturing, characterization, and application.

Dr. Frank K. Gürkaynak

This course will expose participants to the full design cycle of IC chips with a focus on understanding the trade-offs that state-of-the-art digital systems face.

In this concentrated module, we will show the cost performance relationship of digital integrated circuits that are used to build modern processors and accelerators for machine learning and cryptographic applications. In six parts we will discuss the basic building blocks and analog simulation; investigate the speed, area, and power consumption of modern digital integrated circuits; provide insights of architectural choices as a result of key requirements; get exposed to hardware description languages as well as the challenges of verification and testing with hands on experience using industrial electronic design automation (EDA) tools.

Dr. Davide Mezza, Paul Scherrer Institute

The course will show the participants the entire life cycle of a full X-ray camera system (detector) from the initial ideas through prototyping to development of a final system that enters the industrial market.

The main goals of this course are to demonstrate the challenges of planning the development of a complex electronic system and how to work together with engineers and scientists to discover and solve the (often) unforeseen problems that arise during development.

The module will start from a non-technical level showing how a full detector system project starts and how a timeline and milestones of such a project are decided on the basis of the initial information. The module will then advance to a more technical level where participants will see how the decisions are made during the project on the basis of the (often unforeseeable) technical/scientific obstacles that arise during the advancement of the project. Participants will encounter typical technical obstacles and see how these problems can affect the initial schedule or, in more severe cases, require a complete/partial change of the initial plan.

My promotion to a role of increasing responsibility, which demands a strong technology background, would not have been achievable without the support of the MAS ETH in Applied Technology programme.

The company I work for is a world leader in engine-mounted electronic units for aircraft and I wanted to learn how these units work and how they are designed and built. I was keen in choosing this elective CAS as part of the MAS ETH AT as it starts from understanding how a semiconductor device works before developing to the design of integrated circuits and electronic systems.

I am now able to ask the right questions on technology to engineering teams and customers alike. I can also understand better the challenges of our customers and I am better prepared to support them in an industry that is open to innovative solutions while using proven technologies to maintain very high safety standards.

Amandine Galliene, Business Development Manager at Parker Meggitt

Alumni CAS ETH AED 2023


Electronic devices and digitization have significantly influenced and transformed the way we live, work, and communicate over the past few decades. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of these technologies including their potential and limitations, is essential across all industries, including the one I currently work in, focused on quantum computing and AI. The CAS ETH in Applied Electronics and Digitization helped me grasp the transition from the “physical” world and electrons to the “digital” world and signal processing. It was a perfect bridge connecting the learnings from two other CAS programmes that I attended as part of the MAS ETH AT.
The practical exercises, complemented by interactions based on rich backgrounds and perspectives of fellow participants were vital to solidify the understanding of sometimes highly elaborated applied concepts, such as commercial electronic sensors.

Sataney Zhinova, “Quantum Venture Builder” for a quantum computing and AI startup
Alumni CAS ETH AED and MAS ETH in Applied Technology 2023

Current MAS AT participants who have not yet completed an elective CAS 3 may directly enrol in the CAS without applying for admission. MAS AT participants who have already completed an elective CAS 3 and wish to follow an additional one must apply separately to the CAS.

Non-MAS applicants must satisfy the following requirements: 

  • Demonstrated managerial experience working in a relevant industry
  • Good knowledge of English
  • ETH recognized Master’s degree* 

CAS ATE applications will be reviewed by the Admission Committee of the Certificate Programme. The final decision is communicated in writing. 

* Applicants with Bachelor’s degrees can be exceptionally admitted “sur dossier” based on additional continuing education and/or work experience.

Apply online through the School for Continuing Education website.

After submitting the application and uploading supporting documentation, you will be asked to pay the application fee. See the Application section of our website for more information on How To Apply as well as Selection & Admission.

The deadline for applying to the CAS AED in FS25 again is 15 March 2025.

CAS only participants: CHF 8’500.- 

MAS AT participants: The regular MAS tuition fees include the cost of this CAS.

For MAS in Applied Technology participants, this is one of the CAS in the programme and introduces participants to technologies and concepts that are critical for understanding modern electronic devices (power semiconductors, sensors, integrated circuits, etc) that contribute to a sustainable and decarbonized future.

MAS AT Structure

Progamme Director:                Professor Ulrike Grossner (D-ITET) 

Programme Manager:              Dr. Iulian Nistor (D-ITET)

Programme Advisor:               Karin Sonderegger Zaky (D-ITET)    

For further information, please contact us - thank you!


Phone    +41 44 632 2777

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